Community Outrage Grows After Feral Cat Shot in Pompano Beach Neighborhood

Community Outrage Grows After Feral Cat Shot in Pompano Beach Neighborhood

Feral cats have always been a subject of debate. Some people adore these independent outdoor cats, while others are less fond of these mostly homeless creatures.

However, when a cat named Squeaky was discovered shot in Pompano Beach, animal advocate Jacey Birch from Local 10 took it upon herself to seek out the truth.

“Squeaky was a sweetheart. He lived in the neighborhood for over six years and he would come by and hang out — we would give him treats at night,” Todd Perry said.

Perry has resided in the Pompano Beach community for almost ten years, and Squeaky had also established his residence there.

“He would go into our backyard, hang out by the pool, hang out by our back door, and he used to greet us in the mornings,” Perry stated.

Perry’s mood was instantly improved once he saw the calico cat. “He was just such a lovable cat!” Perry said.

To the extent that even Perry’s cat, Bob, frequently frolicked with Squeaky. This continued until one morning when Perry ventured outside for his customary hello.

“He was breathing really fast — there was definitely something wrong,” Perry said. “I grab my wife and we grab the cat and took him to the vet.”

“Kammy actually saw blood in his fur, and we thought maybe he got attacked by a dog or something in the neighborhood,” Perry added.

However, it wasn’t an assault by another creature; instead, it was a shot that would soon prove fatal, piercing through his neck.

The veterinarian discovered a bullet lodged in Squeaky’s spine, with a one-inch entry wound.

“When we were at the vet, they told us he had been shot,” Perry said.

Dr. Sagen Woolery, of Blue Pearl Pet Hospital stated that “He was in critical condition when he was brought in, having a respiratory crisis, struggling to breathe and had difficulty using all four legs.”

Squeaky was discovered in Perry’s driveway. However, it wasn’t until Perry returned from the vet, attempting to unravel this puzzle, that he observed the markings on the mailbox.

The X-rays are difficult to interpret, but a police report notes that “the cat appeared to have a gunshot wound to the back.”

Only four years prior, a family cat named Maverick faced a similar fate in Cooper City, having endured eight pellet gun shots. While Maverick managed to pull through, sadly, Squeaky did not make it.

“This was pure and simple cruelty — there was no excuse for it, there was no reason for it. This was not an animal who did harm to anybody at any time,” Perry said.

The incident in Pompano Beach occurred near the golf course and the blimp base. If you have any information regarding animal mistreatment in the vicinity or have knowledge about the individual responsible for harming Squeaky, kindly get in touch with the Broward Sheriff’s Office or Crime Stoppers at 954-493-8477.

With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.