Exclusive: Inside Look at Louisville Bank Shooting Chaos!

Exclusive Inside Look at Louisville Bank Shooting Chaos!

The Louisville Police Department released a number of 911 calls that were made while the shooting at the bank in Kentucky’s biggest city was going on on Monday.

Wednesday, the department put up a video on its YouTube page that showed several people who saw the killing and the shooter’s mother. When 25-year-old Connor Sturgeon started shooting, five people died and at least eight others were hurt.

When cops caught up with him, they killed him.

Tuesday, footage from the body cameras of cops who went to the scene of the shooting was made public. The footage showed the shooter shooting at the officers when they arrived.

A woman who worked at another branch of the Old National Bank was the first person to call the cops about the shooting. She was talking to people who worked in the building where the killing happened through a video call.

She said that the shooter was a white guy with dark hair who was carrying a gun. During the call, she could be heard crying.

A second person who called said that eight or nine people had been shot and that she was hiding in a room from the shooter.

Another caller who was inside the bank at the time of the killing said that Sturgeon worked there.

“Come right now. They said, “We need someone now.”

Another witness who was also inside the bank could be heard saying that people had been shot and that trucks were needed.

Sturgeon’s mother called the cops to say that her son might have a gun and was heading toward the bank. She was told by his friend that he had left a note saying what he was going to do.

She said that her son had “never hurt anyone” and was a “really good kid.” His mother also told cops that they did not own any guns, so she does not know where he would have gotten one.

Police say that Sturgeon got the AR-15 rifle he used in the shooting legally a week before the shooting.

“Please, he isn’t dangerous. He’s never done anything,” the mother said.

She asked the dispatcher if she should go to the place where she thought Sturgeon would be. The dispatcher told her not to go because there was a “situation” going on there.

The mother asked, “You’ve gotten calls from other people, so he’s already there, right?”

The dispatcher confirmed that other calls had come in and told her again that she shouldn’t go to the bank. Then he or she hung up.

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Happy Purwal is a news writer with one year of experience. He is skilled in researching and writing engaging news articles. His expertise includes covering current events, politics, and human interest stories. He is passionate about delivering accurate and unbiased news to his readers.