Following her pet dog’s shooting death outside her home on Tuesday afternoon, the owner is seeking answers.
Just after 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Fort Lauderdale Police responded to a report of a dog-related shooting in the vicinity of the 1200 block of NW 9th Street.
Denise Sims, the dog’s owner, said she went outside to hunt for her after realizing she couldn’t find Pup Pup. At that moment, she discovered her neighbor’s 15-year-old Yorkie mix, wounded by a bullet, laying behind a tree on their property.
“She was breathing a little bit but the next thing I know she took her last breath and that was it,” she stated.
According to Denise, Pup Pup had been shot twice. Before Denise could transport her to an animal hospital, her tiny body gave in to the wounds.
“Like losing one of my kids,” she stated. “She’s the goodest dog I ever had.”
FLPD launched an investigation as Pup Pup lay beneath a tree. The owner claimed to have known Pup Pup wouldn’t hurt anyone as she had owned her since she was a year old.
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Denise stated that, “She don’t harm nobody, all she wants to be is petted and that’s about it.”
“Everywhere I moved she was there,” Denise stated. “When I came to Fort Lauderdale she was there with me. I came all the way from Pompano. All she wanted was a little pet, rub, pet and that’s all it takes for her. Don’t make no sense. Do right for Jesus instead of doing wrong for the devil.”
The circumstances surrounding the shooting are currently being looked into by FLPD.
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