Democrat Donna Deegan defeated Republican Daniel Davis, a former state legislator who had the support of Governor Ron DeSantis, in a runoff election to become the first woman to be elected mayor of Jacksonville, Florida. Davis was a Republican and had the endorsement of DeSantis.
A surprise victory for Democrats was achieved by John Deegan, who received 52 percent of the vote. Before Tuesday, Jacksonville was the largest city in the United States that was led by a Republican mayor. Jacksonville has been a Republican bastion for a long time. Since 2015, there has not been a Democrat serving as the head of the government.
“Everyone said it could not be done in Jacksonville, Florida,” Deegan stated in her victory address after she had won the election. “We were able to accomplish it because we invited the people inside.”
Before Deegan established the DONNA Foundation for breast cancer research, she enjoyed a successful career as a news anchor in Jacksonville, Florida. Her opponent portrayed her as a lefty who would execute “radical policies” if she were elected, and Republicans criticized her for her participation in protests supporting the Black Lives Matter movement.
She enjoyed some backing from the other party, with members of the Republican Party on the council, Matt Carlucci and Randy DeFoor, coming over to her side.
“I can’t tell you how many people from all different political perspectives have reached out to me and said, ‘We want you to know, I’ve never voted for a Democrat before.'” “I’m going to vote for you,” Deegan told her opponent after she won the election.
She stated that Davis phoned her to kindly concede the situation.
She addressed her fans, “I just received a very nice phone call from Daniel Davis who said to me that he is rooting for me and that he will work for me to create a city that works for all of us,” she said.
“He is ready to work together, and I’m ready to work with him and everybody else who loves this city to make this city everything it can be,” we said. “This city has the potential to be everything it can be.”
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