Heroic Southern California Woman Escapes Brutal Attack and Kidnapping Attempt

Heroic Southern California Woman Escapes Brutal Attack and Kidnapping Attempt

WPBN:  During an attempted kidnapping, a woman from Southern California remembers the horrifying moment she was attacked and tazed.

The victim, Erin Quinn, a resident of Temecula, claimed to have been gathering items for a neighborhood holiday toy drive on December 18.

An unidentified number with the area code 213 texted her that morning. Quinn received a text from an elderly woman claiming to be Connie asking her to pick up toys for a holiday toy drive in which she was taking part.

After agreeing to assist, Quinn was instructed to meet the texter at a house on Winchester’s Memory Lane.

When she got there, she was on her way to the front door when she got another text message telling her to wait in her car as someone brought the toys outside.

Quinn, who had left her car unlocked, said that she complied and returned to her vehicle before resuming her driving duties.

She claimed that someone attacked her as soon as she sat down and grabbed her hair from behind her seat. While she was away, someone had sneaked into her automobile.

She claimed, “Someone grabs my hair and puts a Taser at my head.”

Fearing for her life, Quinn claimed she attempted to flee but was unable to do so because of the female suspect’s might. She continued to honk her horn in the hopes that someone would hear, but no one did. Quinn then claimed that she was told to drive by her assailant.

She recalled, “She had me drive and she’s got the Taser on my head, pulling my hair and telling me to drive.”

Quinn’s mother and children were allegedly the next targets of the suspect’s threats. Quinn continued to drive till they came to a building site. Several onlookers, she said, saw the hostage situation but did nothing.

“Nobody’s doing anything, so I start driving [again] and as I’m driving, [the suspect] is Tasering me and pulling my hair and it caused me to crash my car,” she stated.

When they stopped after her SUV was hit on the driver’s side, she was able to get a better look at the assailant.

She claimed that she knew the woman right away since she had previously employed her as a housekeeper. A blonde wig was allegedly used by the woman to conceal herself.

After exiting the vehicle, the two women started fighting. During the encounter, Quinn claimed to have bitten off a portion of her attacker’s finger.A bystander eventually rushed to assist before the suspect left the area.

“My brain was jolting so bad and my body was shutting down and I thought either I was going to die or I was going to pass out,” Quinn remembered.

She suffered bruising on her arms and legs in addition to head trauma. The whole experience was a living nightmare, she added.

They verified that they are looking into the case as a possible kidnapping and assault with a lethal weapon after the event was reported to the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department.

The suspect is still at large; their identity was kept secret because no official charges were filed. Quinn expressed gratitude for her life and wished for the suspect’s quick capture.


With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.