Discover the 5 Most Poorest Neighborhoods in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana

Most Poorest Neighborhoods in St. Charles Parish

St. Charles Parish is a parish in Louisiana, which is a state in the United States. The population was 52,549 as of the upcoming 2020 census. The parish has a higher median household income ($59,990) and a lower poverty rate (10.2%) than the state average ($51,073) and the national average (18.8%).

But not everywhere in the parish is as well off as others. Poverty, joblessness, criminality, and low levels of education are more widespread in some areas than others. This article uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau to profile the five poorest neighborhoods in St. Charles Parish.


Killona is a CDP in St. Charles Parish with an expected population of 1,035 as of the 2020 census. It lies to the east of the parish’s center, close to the Mississippi River.The poverty rate in Killona is 38.9%, which is nearly four times the national average of 10.5% and the highest in the parish.

Killona has a median household income of $24,375, which is significantly lower than the parish median of $59,990.Killona has the highest unemployment rate in the parish at 16.7 percent, which is also more than three times the national average of 5.4 percent.

While 66.9% of adults in Killona have completed high school or its equivalent, only 6.6% have earned a bachelor’s degree or above. The crime rate of Killona is greater than the state and national averages, with 1,040 violent crimes and 4,160 property crimes reported for per 100,000 residents.

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Hahnville, which will have 3,070 residents in 2020, is a CDP and the parish seat of St. Charles Parish in Louisiana. It lies in the middle of the parish, right on the banks of the Mississippi.The poverty rate of Hahnville, at 23%, is more than double the national average of 10.5% and the second highest in the parish.

In comparison to the parish median of $59,990 and the state median of $51,073, the median Hahnville household income is $37,500.Hahnville’s unemployment rate of 9% is significantly higher than the U.S. average of 5.4%.

With 85.1% of people holding a high school diploma or more and 17.8% holding a bachelor’s degree or higher, Hahnville has a decent level of educational attainment.

There is a moderate amount of crime in Hahnville; the violent crime rate is 520 per 100,000 residents, which is lower than the state and national averages, but the property crime rate is 2,080 per 100,000 residents, which is higher than both.

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A CDP in St. Charles Parish, Boutte is expected to have a population of 3,075 by the year 2020. It may be found in the parish’s western region, along U.S. Route 90.At 20%, Boutte has the third-highest poverty rate in the parish and is nearly twice the national average of 10.5%.

Boutte has a lower than average median household income of $41,250 compared to the rest of the parish’s $59,990 and the rest of the state’s $51,073.Higher than the national average of 5.4%, Boutte’s unemployment rate now sits at 7%.

75% of adults in Boutte have completed high school, while only 9% have completed college beyond the associate’s level. Both the property crime rate (4,160 per 100,000 residents) and the violent crime rate (1,040 per 100,000 residents) in Boutte are much higher than the state and national averages.

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St. Charles Parish includes the CDP of Luling, which is expected to have a population of 12,119 by the year 2020. Western half of the parish, at the crossroads of US-90 and I-310. The poverty rate of Luling, Louisiana, is 15.4 percent, which places it fourth highest in the parish and is significantly higher than the national average of 10.5 percent.

Luling has a little higher median household income than the parish median of $59,990, but a lower median household income than the state median of $51,073.Luling has a higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country at 6.4%.

The majority of adults in Luling (92.3%) have completed high school or its equivalent, and 30.9% have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Both the state and national crime rates are lower in Luling than they are statewide and nationally. There are 260 reported violent crimes per 100,000 residents and 1,040 reported property crimes per 100,000 residents.

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St. Rose

St. Rose, a CDP in St. Charles Parish, will be home to 8,122 people in 2020. I-10 and LA-48 go through its eastern half, making it the parish’s most accessible location. The poverty rate in St. Rose, at 14.9%, is greater than the national average of 10.5% and ranks sixth highest in the parish.

St. Rose has a lower median household income than the parish and state averages ($50,833 vs. $59,990 and $51,073, respectively). St. Rose has a higher than average unemployment rate of 6%, compared to the rest of the country’s 5.4%.

St. Rose has a middle level of education attainment, with 86.8% of adults having completed high school or its equivalent and 19.7% having completed college.

The crime rate of St. Rose is about normal, with 520 violent crimes per 100,000 residents and 2,080 property crimes per 100,000 residents, both of which are lower than the state and national levels, respectively.

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While much of Louisiana’s St. Charles Parish is rich in diversity and economic opportunity, some neighborhoods in the parish struggle with poverty, high unemployment, low safety, and low levels of education. St. Charles Parish’s five poorest communities are located in the following locations: Killona, Hahnville, Boutte, Luling, and St. Rose.

The poverty rates in these areas are significantly higher than the national average of 10.5%, ranging from 14.9% to 38.9%. In addition, their typical household incomes range from $24,375 to $60,625, well below the state average of $51,073.

Although these areas vary greatly in terms of both educational attainment and crime rate, they all share a higher than average jobless rate of 6.0%. To boost the standard of living and economic prospects in these areas, more services and opportunities are required.

With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.