BAY COUNTY, Fla. – One woman in Bay County tried for 52 years to meet her real mother for the first time. At Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport on Tuesday afternoon, all of the puzzle pieces fit together just right.
“I’m nervous,” said Dee Dacosta, who lives in Bay County. “I’m excited. I’m happy. I found out what my mom’s name was, but when I was in my 20s and 30s, there was no social media and we didn’t have DNA like we do now.
A 23andMe DNA test she took about five years ago finally helped her figure out the link. Along the way, Dacosta’s DNA matched with that of some cousins.
“Two days before Christmas, I just reached out and said Merry Christmas to my cousins,” Dacosta said. “Another cousin showed up, and he told me he had a similar experience. “I think I know who your birth mother is,” he said.
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