At the US military academy’s commencement on Saturday, President Joe Biden invited the audience to recognize his inspirational speech to recently graduated West Point cadets.
Applause broke out when Mr. Biden joked about the school’s rivalry with the USNA and Annapolis, clearing cadets of any small transgression. However, when he offered words of encouragement on leading the world, he was welcomed with silence.
“Never forget, America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example our power, but by the power of our example,” Mr Biden stated.
Then, a few seconds later, he said, “You can clap for that.”
The audience applauded like golfers before Mr. Biden continued, telling the 1,036 cadets that their duty as US Army personnel was to swear loyalty to the Constitution, not a political party, and that he would prevent US soldiers from entering Israel and the Ukraine.
Former presidents have addressed existing hostilities or announced new military initiatives during their commencement speech at West Point.
During his lecture, Mr. Biden briefly discussed current conflicts and international dangers to the US, emphasizing to the cadets that the US is vital to maintaining global security.
To thunderous applause, Obama reiterated his support for Ukraine in their conflict with Russia and mentioned the Gaza humanitarian issue. He also issued a warning over Iran’s missile assaults on Israel and China’s attempt to annex Taiwan.
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“Thanks to the US armed forces for doing what only America can do. As the indispensable nation, the world’s only superpower and the leading democracy in the world,” Mr Biden stated.
During his graduating speech, Mr. Biden did not specifically reference Donald Trump, his political rival and predecessor. However, Mr. Biden made reference to certain ideals that his campaign has emphasized.
“On your very first day at West Point, you raised your right hand and took an oath. Not to a political party not to a president but to the Constitution of the United States of America,” Mr Biden stated. “Hold fast to your oath.”
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