The Orlando Police Department is always working to keep our city safe. Recently, police stopped a local car and found five guns that had been used in a crime.
When they stopped the car, OPD police who were on patrol in the area of W. Colonial Dr. and Parramore Ave. found these illegal guns:
Police say that the driver of the car also admitted to having the weapons and proof found in the car that pointed to the sale and delivery of marijuana.
OPD said that both people inside had been caught and charged.
“Great job to these two officers who are working to keep the City of Orlando safe,” the Orlando Police Department wrote.
Under Mayor Buddy Dyer, crime, guns, violence, and drugs are still problems in Orlando and downtown. OPD wants all people to remember, “See Something, Say Something” by calling Crimeline or 9-1-1 if they see something suspicious.
You can call Crimeline at 800-423-TIPS (8477), and your call will be kept completely private. Your name will never be asked for, and your identity will be kept secret. You will be given a code number that is kept secret.
Cash awards of up to $1,000 may be given for information that leads to the arrest of criminal suspects or the recovery of stolen property or drugs. All tips that qualify for a prize are paid to the people who gave them in an anonymous way. Remember that you should call 911 if you see a crime in progress.
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