Easter Sunday Shock: Bibles Burned Outside Tennessee Church

Easter Sunday Shock: Bibles Burned Outside Tennessee Church

A trailer containing Bibles was purposefully set on fire in front of a church on Easter Sunday, prompting authorities in a Tennessee village to launch an investigation.

The crossroads where the trailer fire was blocking the entry to the Global Vision Church on Sunday morning at around six in the morning was promptly attended to by the Mount Juliet Police Department and Fire Department.

In a message shared on Facebook, the pastor of the church, Greg Locke, claimed that a guy was seen by the surveillance cameras dumping off the trailer before it was set on fire.

“There was a lady that had driven through the night to get to our church, and she was in the parking lot and was able to get the police officers here quickly, but it was quite the scene to wake up to on my first morning back from Israel,” Pastor Locke stated.

In a statement, the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office stated that they thought the fire was started on purpose.

Numerous people showed their support for the church on social media, ensuring that no Easter services were disrupted.

“The evil out there is frightening. So thankful no one was harmed or damage done to the church. May our Lord touch the heart of the person who did this,” one user added.

“Gods got the next move. Jesus is alive and doing mighty things. Prayers for that man and also for the church. Onward Christain Soldiers,” another user said.

According to the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office, it is currently unknown whether or not the church was the target of the fire.

“To uphold the integrity of the ongoing investigation, other specific details cannot be provided at this time. However, we assure the community that further updates will be shared at the appropriate juncture,” the sheriff’s office stated. 

No injuries have been reported following the incident, officials said.

Anyone who may have additional information and/or camera footage is urged to contact the Wilson County Sheriff’s Office at 615-444-1459.


With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.