At 4 a.m., a woman orders a pizza by calling 911. Even though that might have sounded like an error, it wasn’t. The woman told dispatchers she was hurt and needed assistance while being kept against her will in a field.
The Volusia County Sheriff’s deputies used cell tower technology to not only find the victim but also save her from her accused assailant just in time.
Last Monday, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office made public the dramatic body camera footage of the October 19 incident. When the cops arrived, you could see them shining a light on the 27-year-old suspect, Luis Moncayo Hernandez, who was lying on top of the victim.
You can hear the victim exclaim, “He’s trying to rape me — can you help me,” as the deputy tells her to get off her.
You can hear the woman yelling, “Thank God… Thank God!” when she realizes assistance has arrived. — while deputies informed her that they were there to assist and that she was fine.
“When you watch the video — if you’re a father or you’re a grandfather — if you’re a brother — and you hear those screams coming from our victim — it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up,” Sheriff Mike Chitwood, Volusia County stated.
“I would like to order a pizza,” the woman remarked to the dispatcher after calling 911.
The woman acknowledged that she understood she was phoning 911 when the dispatcher asked her if she was aware of the number. She managed to give them enough details to understand that she needed assistance and was in danger.
Deputies were directed to the general area behind a nursery even though she was unaware of her whereabouts since dispatchers were able to pinpoint her phone.
“The victim in this case said she had known her assailant that they had gone into the fernery to drink a couple of drinks — alcoholic beverages — and that’s al it was supposed to be. However, during this outing — he did a line of cocaine and she said he did a 180 and said he became extremely violent and wouldn’t let her go and tried to rape her. The video again — speaks for itself,” Sheriff Chitwood stated.
Sheriff Chitwwod commended the reaction and result.
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“I am so proud of number one — of our victim — of having the where with all to be able to keep her wits and that information to our communication folks. Our communications folks to be able to decipher what was going on — and use technology to put our deputies in the general area of where she was. And obviously you can see the deputy’s response and taking this scumbag into custody,” Sheriff Chitwood stated.
According to Chitwood, Moncayo Hernandez requested for asylum the day before the event and is in the country illegally.
Moncayo Hernandez has been placed under detainer by the Border Patrol. He is currently facing felony accusations of wrongful imprisonment, battery by strangulation, and attempted sexual battery.
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