Rates for auto insurance are a cause for concern. particularly if you reside in a state where the cost is prohibitive. To drive to work, back home, or across the country, millions of Americans depend on it.
There are significant pricing differences among the 50 states when it comes to auto insurance rates. You can find out how much the full coverage premium will cost before you relocate to a new state if you require a car to go about. As long as you don’t mind where you reside, of course!
The top three states for car insurance rates
The following three states have auto insurance rates that everyone would desire to have, per Bankrate:
- Ohio
- Vermont
- Maine
Conversely, the premiums for complete coverage are unnecessarily high in the states of Florida and New York. In New York and Florida, the average premium for full coverage auto insurance is $3,807 and $3,594, respectively.
As a result, you are now better able to estimate the cost of auto insurance in these two states. Therefore, people who are considering relocating to the United States or another state might look into the costs for these locations in the Northeast.
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How much does auto insurance cost in Maine, Ohio, and Vermont?
According to Bankrate, the average annual premium for full coverage auto insurance in Vermont is $1,361. When compared to the outrageous prices in Florida and New York, it is undoubtedly quite expensive.
The average premium for full coverage in Ohio, which comes in second, is almost $1,499 per year. This sum is not far from Maine. For full coverage, the average cost is roughly $1,554.
Before selecting the ideal business for your needs, compare costs and make notes on every element.
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