After a 6-month-old chihuahua was left outside in a cage to die, according to Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies, the woman is being charged with animal cruelty. The incident happened outside her Pompano Beach house.
Luna, the dog, was left outside without food or water for “multiple days,” according to deputies, by 19-year-old Angelica Mar.
BSO Deputy Therdens Conserve noted in an arrest report that two bowls of water were just five feet from the cage, but out of the puppy’s reach.
Conserve stated that on Thursday, in response to an anonymous tip about “a dead dog in a cage with a foul smell,” he went to Mar’s residence in the 3700 block of Northeast 15th Avenue.
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“(A)s soon as I stepped out of my car, from the street, I could smell the obvious odor of decomposition,” he stated.
Conserve reported that he seen a “small black dog with numerous flies surrounding it” inside a double-latched cage after obtaining authorization to enter the property of his next-door neighbor.
According to what he wrote, Mar answered when he knocked on her door. The arrest report omitted her statement to the authorities.
Experts estimate that Luna most likely succumbed to heat exhaustion.
Based on allegations of animal cruelty resulting in death and unlawful confinement of an animal without food or water, Mar was scheduled to be released from the BSO Main Jail on Friday, the records indicate. Her bond was set at $10,000.
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