Rapides Parish, located in central Louisiana, has a population of around 130,000 residents. Its main city, Alexandria, grew alongside the Red River of the South. While the parish boasts a rich history and culture, it grapples with challenges like poverty, unemployment, and limited educational attainment.
As per the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2021 figures, the poverty rate in Rapides Parish was 19.9%, surpassing both the state average of 19.6% and the national average of 12.8%. The median household income in the parish stood at $45,183, which was below the state average of $51,073 and the national average of $65,712.
In Rapides Parish, certain neighborhoods experience higher poverty rates and lower incomes than others. Based on 2020 data from Data USA, the following are the five neighborhoods with the highest poverty rates in Rapides Parish, listed in order:
Alexandria City Center
This neighborhood is situated at the center of Alexandria, the biggest city in Rapides Parish. It has a population of 7,544 individuals, with a poverty rate of 47.4%, which is more than double the parish’s average. The median household income in this neighborhood is $22,500, which is less than half of the parish average.
The majority of the residents in this neighborhood are Black or African American (80.4%), and most of them are renters (75.9%).
The unemployment rate in this neighborhood is 13%, which is higher than the parish average of 8%. The level of educational attainment in this neighborhood is also low, with only 14.2% of the adults holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
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This area is situated in the southern part of Rapides Parish, approximately 15 miles away from Alexandria. It is home to 1,147 residents, with a high poverty rate of 46%, more than double the parish’s average.
The typical household income here is $25,000, which is less than half of the parish average. Most of the inhabitants, around 60%, own their homes. The majority, about 64%, are Black or African American.
In terms of employment, the neighborhood faces an 11% unemployment rate, surpassing the parish average of 8%. Education levels are also modest, with only 10.8% of adults holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
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This area is in the southwest of Rapides Parish, approximately 25 miles away from Alexandria. It is home to 625 residents, with a poverty rate of 42%, which is over double the parish’s average.
In this neighborhood, the median household income stands at $27,500, which is less than half of the parish’s average. The majority of the residents, about 69%, are Black or African American, and a significant portion, 63%, own their homes.
The unemployment rate here is 10%, which is higher than the parish’s average of 8%. Educational attainment in this neighborhood is also relatively low, with only 11% of adults holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
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This area is situated in the southeast part of Rapides Parish, approximately 10 miles away from Alexandria. It’s home to 1,353 people, with a poverty rate of 40%, twice the parish average.
The typical household income here is $32,500, which is less than two-thirds of the parish average. Most residents, about 66%, are White, and a significant majority, 77%, own their homes.
The unemployment rate in this neighborhood stands at 9%, surpassing the parish average of 8%. Educational attainment is low, with only 13% of adults holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
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This area is situated in the southern part of Rapides Parish, approximately 20 miles away from Alexandria. It has a population of 1,267 individuals and a poverty rate of 39%, which is nearly double the parish’s average.
The typical household income here is $30,000, which is less than two-thirds of the parish average. The majority of the people in this area are of White ethnicity (71%), and most of them are homeowners (67%).
The unemployment rate in this neighborhood matches the parish average at 8%. Additionally, the level of educational attainment is relatively low, with only 12% of adults holding a bachelor’s degree or higher.
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Final Words
These five neighborhoods are among the least advantaged areas in Rapides Parish. Here, many residents face difficulties in meeting their basic needs and accessing quality education and healthcare. However, they also possess strengths like cultural diversity, a strong sense of community, and natural beauty.
Several initiatives and programs, such as the Rapides Foundation, the Central Louisiana Economic Development Alliance, and the United Way of Central Louisiana, are working to enhance living conditions and opportunities for the people in these neighborhoods.
By delving into the challenges and potential of these communities, we can gain a deeper understanding of the intricate realities of poverty in Rapides Parish and contribute to the efforts aimed at creating a more fair and prosperous future for everyone.
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