Union County resides in the northern region of New Jersey and had a populace of 575,345 according to the 2020 census. It stands out as one of the state’s most varied and prosperous counties, showcasing a median household income of $82,644 as of 2020. Nevertheless, the county’s prosperity isn’t evenly distributed across all its areas.
The U.S. Census Bureau reveals the presence of neighborhoods within Union County characterized by elevated poverty rates and lower median incomes. The following list presents the five least affluent neighborhoods in Union County, using data from the years 2017 to 2021:
Elizabethport is situated within the city of Elizabeth, which serves as the county seat and is the largest city in Union County. The neighborhood’s population is 25,063, with 34.6% of residents living below the poverty line. The median household income in Elizabethport stands at $32,917, which is less than half of the county’s average income.
The majority of the neighborhood’s inhabitants, around 69.4%, identify as Hispanic or Latino. Notably, Elizabethport has a significant proportion of foreign-born individuals (46.8%) and households equipped with a broadband internet subscription (75.9%).
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This locality can be found within Hillside Township, a suburban area situated in the western region of Union County. Hillside’s population is 21,747, with 16.8% residing below the poverty threshold. The median annual household earnings in Hillside stand at $55,833, falling short of the county’s average.
The community is culturally diverse, with 54.9% identifying as Black or African American, 24.4% as Hispanic or Latino, and 14.4% as White. Additionally, Hillside records a notable percentage of individuals lacking health insurance (15.2%) and those living with disabilities (9.5%).
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This area can be found within the Roselle borough, a suburban region situated in the eastern section of Union County. Roselle is home to approximately 21,689 people, with 15.7% facing economic hardship below the poverty threshold. The median annual household income in Roselle stands at $58,750, which falls below the average for the county.
The community is largely composed of individuals identifying as Black or African American, comprising 63.2% of the population. Additionally, Roselle boasts a significant prevalence of households equipped with computers (90%) and subscribed to broadband internet services (84.6%).
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This area can be found within Linden, a city known for its industrial and transportation significance in the southeastern region of Union County. The population of Linden is 42,538, and approximately 13% of residents have income levels below the poverty threshold.
The median household income in Linden stands at $66,667, falling below the average for the county. The neighborhood boasts racial diversity, with 40% of inhabitants identifying as White, 28.7% as Hispanic or Latino, and 23.8% as Black or African American. Notably, Linden also accommodates a substantial foreign-born population (28%) and has a 6% representation of veterans.
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This locality can be found within Plainfield city, situated in the suburban region of Union County’s southwestern area. The population of Plainfield totals 50,810 individuals, with 12% residing below the poverty threshold. The median annual household income in Plainfield stands at $60,417, falling below the average for the county.
The community is mainly composed of Hispanic or Latino residents, accounting for 49% of the population. Moreover, Plainfield exhibits elevated proportions of individuals lacking health insurance (14%) and those living with disabilities (8%).
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Here are the five poorest neighborhoods in Union County, New Jersey, as indicated by the most recent census data. Despite encountering numerous difficulties and adversities, these regions also possess notable strengths and prospects for enhancement. By comprehending the actualities and requirements of these communities, we can collaborate to establish a fairer and more prosperous tomorrow for every Union County resident.
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