Authorities claim that a Tennessee man admitted to stabbing his wife and then abandoned her to perish in a burning building, putting him behind bars.
According to a press statement from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Zachary Mowel, 28, is currently charged with one count each of attempted first-degree murder, aggravated arson, aggravated assault (domestic-related), and domestic assault.
The event happened on Monday night. In Dickson, a tiny community on the western border of the Nashville metro region, firefighters first came on the scene at a home on North Charlotte Street.
Following an inquiry by state and local law enforcement officials, Mowel was found to have attacked his wife, drenched her in gasoline, and then set their home on fire.
According to a victim’s family member, the crime’s scope is significantly worse than what the police have said thus far. The victim’s twin sister, Tori Ila Elizabeth Trotter, created a GoFundMe page to cover her medical costs and missed wages.
The web fundraiser details “the unimaginable” event that occurred on Monday night when Tessa Mowel got home from work. The victim’s sister claims that after it, the enigmatic attack persisted in an especially brutal and terrifying manner.
According to Trotter, her spouse, “stabbed her in back with a kitchen knife and repeatedly stabbed her 8 more times in the neck, chest, and back all while brutally beating her over 30 times in the face.”
The victim’s sister claims that after it, the enigmatic attack persisted in an especially brutal and terrifying manner.
Trotter describes what happened as follows: “He poured gasoline on her and set her on fire while watching her burn to death. He then set the house on fire and left her to die. This all happened with their 5 year old and 8 year old boys watching and pleading for their dad to not kill their mom.”
But Tessa Mowel made it through.
At Nashville’s Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s trauma unit, she is presently recovering in stable condition.
According to her sister, the victim is now paralyzed from the waist down, has nine stab wounds in all, a collapsed lung, and third-degree burns covering her right leg.
The campaign says that recovery is anticipated to take more than a year. It is currently said that the twin sister is in charge of the kids.
“Please if you can my entire family would appreciate any help,” according to the fundraiser reads. “[H]er and her boys did not deserve this torture.”
According to court documents obtained by Nashville-based ABC affiliate WKRN, investigators discovered Tessa Mowel among swirling smoke close to the rear entrance of the property; they discovered a knife still embedded in her corpse. This highlights the severity of the torture that she had endured.
Although the devastating effects of the violence on the traumatized family are very evident, there are few facts available regarding what precipitated the attack.
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No particular motivation for the incident has been suggested by law enforcement. According to the TV station, the woman did report to the police that she and her husband had gotten into a violent argument.
However, police said that as soon as they pulled up outside the fire, the man admitted his guilt.
Zachary Mowel allegedly told the cops, “I did it,” as he approached them outside his shattered and burning house. “It was me,” I said.
The defendant is being held at the Dickson County Jail on a $765,000 bond.
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