All Saints Cinema Back in Action After Three-year Absence

All Saints Cinema Back in Action After Three-year Absence

The structure in Tallahassee that formerly served as the Amtrak station is now home to a brand-new cinema with a focus on indie films and an intimate setting for viewing them. The management of the All Saints Cinema is the responsibility of the Tallahassee Film Society.

According to the website of the society, it shows independent films in the Tallahassee area that originate from all around the United States and the rest of the world.

According to John Fraser, who currently serves as the President of the Society, everyone is really excited to finally see one another in person after such a long time.

“It’s been three years since we last conducted business, and the cause of our closure was due to covid. Following that, the restoration of the entire site kept us closed for an additional year, bringing the total number of years we were closed to three… so you may imagine our excitement.

“I told the crowd yesterday that it felt like there was one really long intermission after another,” Fraser continued. “It felt like there was one really long intermission after another.”

At the Tallahassee Film Society, film showings are held throughout the entirety of the calendar year. Additionally, the Tallahassee Film Society promotes special events and guests on a monthly basis.

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