This week’s Sick and Shut Down List has eight eateries from Miami-Dade, Palm Beach, and the Keys, including three chain restaurants and a food truck. This week’s list does not include any restaurants in Broward.
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation received complaints that led to three of the inspections on the following list.
At Boynton Beach’s Bonefish Grill, located at 1880 N. Congress Ave., a routine inspection revealed 11 infractions overall, five of which were High Priority violations.
On the cookline, ten live roaches gathered inside an abandoned cooler. The flies began to interact more. Over five people congregated at the bar’s counter to wait on service. On the soda dispenser, there were more than six. A pair repeatedly landed on a sealed ice bucket. A drain was ringed by four or more.
A routine inspection revealed 24 infractions overall, including four High Priority violations at El Palacios de Los Frijoles, 1736 W. 68 St., Hialeah.
Given that a walk-in cooler tested 56 degrees and a reach-in cooler measured 55, the establishment “does not have enough coolers or space to maintain food at cold temperatures.” It’s like expecting turtles to fly to expect that cooler to cook or prepare meals to 41 degrees.
Seven infractions total, including one High Priority violation, were found during the complaint inspection of Fuddruckers, 1645 W. 49th St., Hialeah.
There’s still a Fuddruckers open, some of you just said? Yes, with four located in Miami-Dade, one in Broward, and five throughout South Florida.
At Hook Fish & Chicken, located at 5701 N. Australian Ave. in Mangonia Park, there were three High Priority violations, five total violations, and a compliant inspection.
What distinguishes a High Priority violation from a Basic infraction?
A basic violation is when there’s a dead bug on the kitchen floor. There is a High Priority violation due to the 20 rodent droppings under the dry storage shelves on the kitchen floor.
A wet towel in the handwashing sink indicates that either the employees are indolent or the sink isn’t frequently used to wash hands.
Jennifer’s Cafeteria: 16464 NE 16th Ave., North Miami Beach: 35 infractions overall, including seven High Priority violations, were found during a routine inspection.
Two of the 21 infractions found during the complaint inspection of Okan Ebi Citrus & Product Corp., Food Truck, 10918 SW 184 St., West Perrine, were considered high priorities.
A food truck’s day is over when there are five flies buzzing around the three-compartment sink and more than fifty flies swarming the vehicle and its grease container.
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Three of the nine infractions found during the routine inspection of Terra Fiamma at Delray Marketplace, 9169 W. Atlantic Ave., Unincorporated Palm Beach, were High Priority violations.
The five dead and four live roaches in that box could be another clue that they may have a roach problem, if that wasn’t enough information. Under a salad line flip-top cooler, two dead roaches were lying on the ground. Beneath a prep sink in the kitchen was another.
16 in total, including four High Priority infractions, were found during a routine inspection of Viva Saloon, 903 Duval St., Key West.
A reach-in freezer with raw beef and a dry storage space with single serving items were among the more than 50 rodent regularities that the inspector discovered.
When employees arrived at the handwashing station, they were unable to quickly dry their hands without scrubbing them on their shirts or trousers.
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