Mark Your Calendar: The Next U.S. Lunar Eclipse After September 2024

Mark Your Calendar The Next U.S. Lunar Eclipse After September 2024
Image By: USA Today

A partial lunar eclipse took place on Tuesday, September 17, at 22:35 Eastern time. It was visible in most of the United States as well as in a few other nations in America, Europe, Africa, and part of Asia. This eclipse had an almost worldwide influence.

There was a four-hour lunar eclipse that was partial. When the moon is in its opposite orbit around the sun, this phenomena happens. When a full moon is visible with its edges lighted, it’s an uncommon and breathtaking sight.

When is the next eclipse scheduled to occur?

There will be one more eclipse this year, but it will be an annular solar eclipse. It is expected to occur on October 2 and linger for seven minutes; in this instance, South America will be able to see it more clearly.

When the moon appears smaller than the sun due to its greater distance from Earth, an annular solar eclipse takes place. It appears as though there is a ring of light encircling the moon.

The next annular solar eclipse is not expected to occur until February 17, 2026, and it is predicted that only Antarctica will be able to see it.

It is advised to avoid direct viewing of solar eclipses and to limit your observation to a few brief moments. Wearing sunglasses or a gadget made to appreciate this kind of phenomenon is a smart idea.

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The next known lunar eclipse, which will be visible across the United States on March 14, 2025, is predicted to occur much later. This particular eclipse would be a total solar eclipse and is predicted to last for three hours and forty-eight minutes.

Some view a coincidence, while others see it as a chance for personal development. As stated in modern astrology, eclipses “are charged moments of transformation in which emotions are heightened.”

Eclipses are also believed to symbolize portals, which signal the start of a new journey and aid in letting go of burdensome obligations.


With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.