The latest FBI data reveals that in Seaford, the total crime rate stands at 6,507.1 per 100,000 individuals. This is significantly higher than the national average by 177.37% and surpasses the Delaware state average by 171.89%. Regarding violent crime, Seaford reports a rate of 1,080.4 per 100,000 residents. This is 178.60% above the national average and 150.16% higher than the Delaware state average.
Given these crime statistics from various sources, here are the five neighborhoods in Seaford, Delaware, considered to have the highest levels of danger:
Central Seaford
With around 279 offenses committed here each year, this neighborhood has the highest crime rate in Seaford. There is a one in eleven risk that a person will become a victim of criminal activity in this location.This location has a low owner-occupied housing unit rate of 46.8%, which shows a lack of stability and investment in the neighborhood. This area also has a low proportion of housing units that are rented out.
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Northeast Seaford
Because there is such a high concentration of retail establishments in this region, the rate of crime here may be higher. This location has a crime rate that is 151.88% greater than the average for Seaford, which is 5,879.9 crimes committed per 100,000 people.In addition, this region has a low median household income of $35,833, which is 40.63% lower than the average income in Seaford.
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Northwest Seaford
This region has a high population density with 2,656.7 persons per square mile, which is more than the average population density in Seaford by 70.51%.This location has a crime rate that is 140.72% greater than the average for Seaford, which is 5,547.8 crimes committed per 100,000 people.This region also has a high percentage of people who do not have health insurance (15.6 percent), which may indicate a lack of access to preventative treatments and health care.
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Southeast Seaford
It is possible that there is a lack of social cohesiveness and integration in this neighborhood due to the large percentage of people in this region who were born in another country (18.9%). This neighborhood has a crime rate that is 117.73% greater than the average for Seaford, which is 4,867.7 crimes committed per 100,000 residents.This region also has a high rate of people with disabilities (12.4%), which may suggest that there is a shortage of assistance and services for those with special needs in this area.
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Southwest Seaford
In this region, the typical value of homes owned by residents is relatively low at $139,600, which is about 20.28% less than the average in Seaford. The rate of reported crimes is notably higher here, standing at 4,187.6 incidents per 100,000 people, which is 94.74% above the Seaford average. Moreover, only 10% of individuals have attained a bachelor’s degree or higher, suggesting limited access to advanced education.
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Seaford, Delaware, grapples with significant crime and safety issues. The city’s crime rate surpasses both national and state averages, with certain neighborhoods being particularly risky.
This elevated crime rate can be attributed to various factors, such as low income, education, and homeownership rates, along with high population density, a significant foreign-born population, and elevated rates of disability and lack of insurance coverage.
These elements suggest a shortage of social and economic opportunities, resources, and support for Seaford’s residents. To enhance the well-being and safety of the city, addressing these root problems and investing in community development and empowerment may be crucial.
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