The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department released footage from body cameras on Tuesday. It shows the moment when officers at a local elementary school confronted a shooter, who was then killed in a shoot-out.
Officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo took video of the police searching the first floor of The Covenant School. When they heard sounds coming from the second floor, which couldn’t be heard on the video, they ran upstairs.
As the officers get closer to a mezzanine, they can hear shots and see the shooter, later identified as 28-year-old Audrey Hale, standing in front of several tall windows.
After Engelbert shoots a few times at Hale, someone yells “Clear!” As Collazo gets closer to the shooter, he yells, “Watch out! Watch out!” and then shoots at the same person. He keeps moving toward Hale and yells “stop moving” and “suspect down” before taking the shooter’s guns.
Hale, who used to go to The Covenant School, killed three 9-year-old students and three staff members on Monday before he started shooting at police.
On Monday, the police showed silent surveillance footage of the shooter driving up to the school and shooting through locked glass doors to get inside. After crawling through the broken doors, Hale can be seen with a gun drawn and walking through the building.
Police have said that the attack was “calculated and planned.” They say that Hale had been watching the school before the shooting and had made a map of the school showing possible entry points.
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