Survivor of Daylight Shooting in Tallahassee’s Southside is Struggling for Her Life

Survivor of Daylight Shooting in Tallahassee's Southside is Struggling for Her Life
Image Source: Tallahassee Democrat

A woman is struggling to survive after being the most recent victim of gun violence in the city.

At 2:30 p.m., officers from the Tallahassee Police Department rushed to the scene when gunshots rang out near the Leon Arms Apartments at 2502 Holton Street.

TPD spokeswoman Heather Merritt stated that, “The preliminary investigation revealed that the shooting occurred outside and that multiple rounds were fired.”

Merritt stated that someone transported the injured woman to the intersection of Orange and Adams Street. There, they met with emergency responders who quickly transported her to the hospital due to her life-threatening injuries.

The details surrounding the shooting remain unclear, and there are currently no suspects identified. Following the arrival of the police at the scene, detectives marked numerous pieces of evidence around shell casings found on the ground.

Merritt added, “It’s a very active scene right now. We have detectives there working to establish leads and speak to any potential witnesses.”

What Edwards told the Democrat:

” I see these cars and tape and kids are buying ice cream and there’s a shooting with an assault rifle on the other side of the building and just to see people going on with their lives. That’s the effect of trauma. We’re jaded. We’re not paused at all by this horrific incident.”

With more than two years of expertise in news and analysis, Eileen Stewart is a seasoned reporter. Eileen is a respected voice in this field, well-known for her sharp reporting and insightful analysis. Her writing covers a wide range of subjects, from politics to culture and more.