Tampa Teen Composer Captivates State With Remarkable Music

Tampa Teen Composer Captivates State With Remarkable Music

TAMPA, Fla. — When Ronald Davis finished writing his newest tune, he had barely been picking up the guitar for more than a few months at that point.

Not only did the creation of this take a couple of months, but the author was just 13 years old throughout those two months of effort.

Davis stated, “I feel as though it’s a way for me to express myself not only as an individual but also as a Christian.”

Davis’s religious beliefs are intricately intertwined with his musical output. Because he felt such a strong connection to and pride in his first guitar composition, he collaborated with the parent-teacher association (PTA) at his school, Davidsen Middle, to enter the piece in the yearly competition that the PTA sponsors.

It didn’t take long for other people to notice the elegance in his work, and as a result, he came out on top.

Davis expressed his surprise by saying, “I didn’t know how big it could get with other competitions and just versing other people.”

Due to the significant impact that his song had on the local competition held at his school, it was entered into a competition against all of the schools in the Hillsborough County School District. After he triumphed in that competition, his achievements continued unabated at the state level.

He stated, “Seeing how I won that, it’s just amazing,” as his reaction to the victory. “I love it.

This achievement was accomplished by a child who, up until the sixth grade, had not been exposed to any musical instruments.

Now, not only is he able to captivate listeners with the stirring melodies he plays on the guitar, but he is also skilled at playing the piano.

Davis stated, “I just like all of the different technical things that you can do,”

His father, Ron Sr., is not familiar with this particular method.

Ron said, “The only time I sing is when I’m in the shower.” “Oh, thank the good Lord, it’s in the shower!

Growing up, Ron Sr. was more interested in sports, but after hearing about Davis’s musical skills, he realized that his son had something unique to offer the world.

“I had a hard time believing it was actually him. “It’s incredible to be able to watch a song develop from its earliest stages all the way through its conclusion,” he explained.

He stated that being able to hear his son’s songs had helped him get through some challenging moments. He is very certain that Davis’s involvement in this endeavor won’t be only a hobby for him.

“I’m blessed to have a son that’s going to shake the world,” Ron added. “I’m going to shake the world.”

In the meanwhile, Davis has the ambition to create something of which he can be proud.

When I asked him what his primary objective was, he replied, “My main goal is, how is the audience fellowshipping, or how are they entertained by me?”

Davis wants to make a change in the world through his music, and one way he hopes to do this is with his song “Overflow” and his newest piece, “Provider.”

But for the time being, he is able to carry some hardware home thanks to the attention he is getting as a youngster.


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Brenda roman is a content writer and she is working form the last 2 years. She has good knowledge of writing engaging news articles covering politics and humans interesting content. she is always up to date with their news articles and provides accurate news to the readers.