ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The goal of a fundraiser to help Taylen Mosley’s family raise $30,000 was surpassed when people came together to help the grieving family.
Last week, two people were killed. They were Taylen Mosley and his mother, Pashun Jeffery. Police in St. Petersburg said that Taylen’s father, Thomas Mosley, killed his wife and 2-year-old son after his birthday party.
Theo Brickhouse-Sails, Pashun’s great-aunt, said, “Thank you so much to everyone who has thought of us during this time.” “It’s been a long weekend, but it’s nice to know that you care about Pashun and Taylen as much as we do every time we see your messages and notes.”
The relationship between Pashun and her son was said to be very loving by her family.
Brickhouse-Sails said, “I want people to remember them as two kids who loved each other very much.” “Adjusting without them in life is going to be hard.”
Relatives say that Pashun had just moved out on her own and was doing well when she died.
“She was very outspoken and always made me laugh,” Pashun’s mother, Lakita Denson, said at a press conference on Friday.
After Pashun and Taylen died, Brickhouse-Sails and Denson started a GoFundMe to help pay for the funeral. Monday, the fundraiser raised more than its original goal of $30,000. The most money that was given was $1,000.
But Pashun and Taylen had to be buried separately, so the family said they had to raise the goal to $50,000 to pay for the extra costs.
“At first, we wanted Pashun and Taylen to be in the same casket because they were rarely apart when they were alive,” Brickhouse-Sails said in a new statement. “Unfortunately, we found out that we need two different coffins and burial plots. We also want to put lots and lots of flowers on the coffins.”
The family plans to have the service in four days, according to the GoFundMe page.
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